Musings of Her Bratness

The DL on the Q10

Posh Brats School is in session!!!

Most of you realize by now that I am passionate about my ingredients....seriously mental actually. I know you can't go far these days without hearing about "Q10" being in all these top skincare brands. It's a major buzzword and most people know it's one of those fabulous things but it's doubtful many know what it is or why it's great.

The loss of collagen and elastin causes your skin to wrinkle and sag. The magic formula of collagen/elastin is Q10 and our bodies produce it naturally.
Co-enzyme Q10 also helps the skin by acting as a strong antioxidant. It helps to neutralize the harmful free radicals that are one of the major causes of aging. Thus, the age-related decline in Co-enzyme Q10 also means your skin is more prone to damage by free radicals.

What are free radicals?
Free radicals are a waste product produced by your own body...a bit like a sludge of dead cells and waste that can break down healthy cells and cause illness, allergies, cancer, speed up name it. Your healthy cells are under attack constantly.

Q10 is naturally produced by your body but it decreases hugely as we age. The best way to get more Q10 back into your body is to supplement, putting a direct concentration into your skincare means it's going straight into your bloodstream and changing your skin at a cellular level.
The best thing about Q10 is that it works and keeps our skin healthy and younger looking. By supplementing our natural levels we can keep our collagen and elastin in perfect shape leading to firmer and more elastic, younger looking skin.
This can also be done as an entire body helper by upping your intake of brightly coloured fruits and veggies!!!

What you see here is a very concentrated solution of Q10 that we use in our skincare. Scary colour huh? This is a 1000ml bottle, for a batch of Oceanus Skin Cream we'd use a 0.5% solution to give the batch optimum results. 25ml of this solution costs us £35.00....that's for ONE ingredient in ONE product.

Think about it......
1000ml / 25ml = 40 x £35.00 = £1400.00 for ONE ingredient in the PB arsenal.

Food for thought eh? Those big name companies charge a fortune for any product containing Q10. Now you know's pretty pricey stuff.

When we released our Oceanus Marine Renewal Cream people balked at the price tag of £30.00 for 50ml so we sent out loads of freebies and gambled on how darn good we knew this cream is.

It is now our BEST selling skin cream and because we started buying the key ingredients for it in larger amounts, our production cost dropped so in turn we dropped the price of the cream by HALF and kept it there.

You're welcome and we love you too xoxox


Beautiful and Naturally Shiny Hair....No 'Cones!

This kind of shine isn't a secret and it's completely from natural sources. This is with ZERO styling product too!

Seriously....treat yourself for a fraction the cost of a salon visit and give this all-natural option a go with hair-loving oils and  afew simple techniques.
Your hair will THANK you!!

The Joys of the Wild-Harvest

One of our company credos is that we do our best to source everything we use in our products from within the UK. Obviously, not everything can be found in Britain but we can make sure that we purchase from British companies.

That being said, one of my great joys is when I have the time and ability to wild-harvest ingredients myself. So often you find things you need right under your nose and here in Britain that is so very true! I have found beautiful fruit, herbs, and flowers in the shadows of ruined abbeys, castles, old homesteads and abandoned gardens. I have also found treasure in hedgerows, woodland copses, and churchyards.

*My husband gathering water lilies from a small pond near Strontian.*

Most recently my family and I took a blissful trip to northwest Scotland around Ardnamurchan. This is a beautiful pristine location in the Highlands that features both mountains, fresh water lochs, and sea lochs as well as seacoast. As a place of environmental advancements, it's also one of THE cleanest and least polluted areas in Britain.

We spent days hiking trails, exploring ruins, marveling at standing stones and beachcombing. In our adventures, we were absolutely alone wherever we were because this is not an area of Scotland that is popular with tourists. If you aren't an outdoorsy'd find very little to entertain you. The phone signals rarely exist, broadband feels like dial-up and there isn't a trendy coffee shop in sight.
BUT it remains THE most beautiful and amazing place I have ever been In. My. Life! I have spent every day since returning conspiring to go back and never ever leave.

*Can you think of a more stunning place to gather heather and wild sea lavender?*

The thing about wild-harvesting is to never sneaky pete  from private property, never gather more than you truly need, never remove an entire plant or crop, never disturb a natural habitat and always make sure you THANK the faeries, Earth Spirits and the Goddess for anything you take.

I take things a step further and keep geo-logs on exact locations I harvest from so that I may return and not have to rely on my increasingly aging memory.

* Harvesting various types of seaweeds during low tide on a sea loch.*

The rewards of being in harmony with nature and getting out IN nature and experiencing her changes first hand by harvesting according to the season is a constant reminder to me of exactly how, why and what I am doing all of this for.  I'm not sure who it heals more really, me or my wonderful clients.