Musings of Her Bratness

That Perfect Smile....Naturally!

There was a time when if you wanted whiter teeth, it seemed that the only option was to go to the dentist and have the teeth bleached. Now there are numerous tooth whitening products on the market that you can use at home. But both of these options involve using potentially dangerous chemicals, and they can even make teeth very sensitive, replacing one problem with another more serious one.

Not only are you looking at the expense of these treatments; many of them just don’t work. I personally have a basket FULL of products for teeth whitening that just didn’t live up to all the hype.
You see, I am a coffee drinker and when I say ‘coffee drinker’ I mean that I can pretty much have a cup of coffee in my hand from morning until night. Therefore you can just imagine how much all this evil bean consumption can stain the teeth.

I spent hundreds looking for the best products to whiten my teeth and always ended up tossing the product into the basket under the bathroom sink. As a Cosmetic Chemist by trade I finally did what I should have done all along......look for natural and effective ways to whiten my teeth.

Below you will find a few natural, inexpensive and highly effective ways to achieve that brighter smile!

1.) Some fruits are excellent tooth whiteners. Strawberries, for example, can be rubbed directly on teeth or mashed up and brushed on. The inside of an orange peel is also great for whitening. You can rub it directly on your teeth, or make a paste of dried orange peel and ground bay leaves to brush on. A mixture of lemon juice and salt also works well. *Using fruits should only be an occasional treatment as overuse could causes teeth sensitivity*

2.) Use baking soda. Many of the toothpastes on the market include baking soda in their ingredients because it is so effective. But you don’t have to buy a special toothpaste. You can mix baking soda with a dash of salt and add a little hydrogen peroxide or vinegar to make a homemade tooth whitener.

3.) There's a growing body of evidence indicating that eating a small amount of cheese after a meal can potentially help to prevent tooth decay and promote enamel strength, Glosman says.
Along those same lines: "Milk and yogurt keep teeth sparkling and cavity-free because they contain the minerals calcium and phosphorus, which promote the remineralziation of tooth enamel," says Lisa Drayer, M.A., R.D., author of "The Beauty Diet: Looking Great Has Never Been So Delicious."

4.) Snack on lots of crunchy vegetables and fruits, like celery, apples, carrots, and such. These foods will help to dislodge plaque and keep food particles from sticking to your teeth and staining them that way. This is more of a preventative measure.

5.) Coconut oil (solid oil or fractionated liquid) is a super way to whiten your teeth very quickly. Make it part of your tooth cleaning regime. Take a mouthful of coconut oil and swish around your mouth like mouthwash. Pull it through your teeth and really take your time. It’s best to do this for a full 2-5 minutes. Once you spit it out then clean your teeth with a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide/vinegar. Add a drop or two of peppermint oil to really freshen your breathe and don’t forget to brush your tongue too! Coconut oil can be found in some grocery stores, most health food stores or many places online.

Here is a neat recipe to make your own natural toothpaste.

2 tablespoons coconut oil
3 tablespoons baking soda
1/2 small packet of stevia powder (opt.)
20-25 drops of peppermint essential oil*

1. Mix all ingredients together in a small bowl, using a fork.
*Add about half of the amount of peppermint oil to start, and test the toothpaste to see how much you want/like.

* You can also use essential oils like cinnamon, spearmint, clove and lemon. Always start with a few drops and then taste to see if you prefer more. Don’t make it too strong as you wouldn’t want to irritate your gums and over sensitize your teeth.

** As long as you keep this in a sealed container it should keep very well as there are no ingredients in it that could cause bacteria growth. All of the ingredients are naturally anti-bacterial.

Whitening your teeth does not have to be expensive, and you don’t have to use harsh chemicals. By using preventive measures and natural remedies, you can make your smile brighter without harming your teeth in other ways.