Musings of Her Bratness

Why Your Skin Does NOT Need Fancy Designer Chemicals......KISS It!

Now I bet you just said to yourself...."Kiss what, Brittany?"

Kiss my elbow?
Kiss my ear?
Kiss my tookus?

Nah, nothing like that. By "KISS" I meant only....

" Keep It Simple, Silly!"

Skincare, Folks.....

Keep It Simple!

My lovely editor at Hat Trick Magazine asked me to write about some of these fancy designer chemicals she's so fond of. Yes, she loves the natural stuff too but no matter what I tell her...she goes back to trendy designer skincare full of 'acids'.

Guess what?? It's all bullhonkey.....

Seriously, if you feel the need to waste your money on this stuff, just save the effort of hauling your wrinkled carcass to the nearest designer cosmetics counter and send me your money instead.

I'm about to tell you something....

Those fancy acids do nothing for you but add to your problems in the long run. They actually make your skin even MORE sensitive! You can get the same and safer NATURAL results from crushing some fresh strawberries and grapefruit pulp and applying that to your face every other week....seriously!

Let me get REAL with you here.

Your skin is your body's largest organ, and virtually the only organ that you can watch. 
Personally I don't think I'd have too much entertainment out of watching something like my adorable pancreas...just sayin'.

Annoying and troublesome skin conditions like rashes, pimples, eczema, and illnesses like chicken pox or measles are attempts by the skin to clean itself out.  This is Nature's way in health: the body will try, must try, to clean itself of toxins, foreign chemicals and poisons. Nature eliminates wastes. You may not like it; it may not look romantic; it might even itch. However, the toxins must be expelled.  Since the skin is your largest organ, it will by nature want to do a lot of cleaning out. The more it does so, the more you needed it to.

 Simple, proper diet eliminates so many complaints. Whole foods, raw or lightly-cooked vegetables, grains and fruits, lean meats & fish and no chemically-doctored food will go a very long way to improving your skin in a short time. My personal beauty secret is to drink at least 2 litres of water per day with the juice of fresh lemons squeezed into it.
Unfortunately, many folks are inclined to and even encouraged to put creams, salves, ointments and other fancy designer-cum-medicated "remedies" on their skin to try and doctor those awful sin conditions. 
The dermatologist won't tell you any differently either because HE's getting kickbacks from the drug companies to prescribe this stuff to you. He WANTS you to age so he can keep selling you more and more services.
All he's doing is making short-term 'improvements' to your appearance by delaying what the body is trying to do...DETOX!

Let's "clear up" this skin medication question right here. First of all, there is no such thing as "worn-out skin."  Fortunately for us, skin is a magical and wonderful self-repairing, and virtually indestructible living thing.

Nature repairs and mends skin beautifully. When you cut yourself, you might disinfect the wound with iodine or some other preparation. But does the iodine re-knit the skin, make the new cells, or weave new tissue? No, Nature does. 

When a surgeon stitches up an incision or a wound she brings the skin together and holds it in place with sutures.  
But if Nature didn't re-unite the cells, what good would the stitches do?

Vitamin C and E seem to be most important for proper healing and maintenance of your skin.  Vitamin C is well-known to be essential to holding the cells together and encouraging their normal growth.  Show me a person with chronic skin problems and two times out of three I'll bet their diet is deficient in E or C.  

Your skin is a living, breathing, body-cleaning organ.  If you clog it up, you're in trouble.
 In the James Bond story Goldfinger people were painted gold. 
Remember that they died?
 Your skin MUST be free from pore-clogging crud!!
 That's why these designer UN-natural creams, ointments and salves are not doing any more than removing the symptoms of skin excretion and detoxing. 
In slowing down or blocking this excretion they are clogging the pores and of themselves adding to what has to be cleaned out. Why make the skin have to now excrete these added toxins on top of the old ones? It's like shaking the dirt out of your rugs... in the middle of the living room.
 If you don't use any of the countless patent skin treatments for beauty or disease, your skin will be that much better. Treating symptoms is just trying to fool Nature. Coating over the body's cleansing efforts does not make you or your skin well.  
 Keeping drugs, artificial colors, preservatives, alcohols, artificial fragrances, and those foot-long chemical names off your skin can only help it.

 If Nature had wanted us to use lots of synthetics on our body, she would probably have put Triethanolamine, Carbomer-934, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Dimethicone, Sodium Myristate, Stearyl Alcohol, FD&C Red #4, Yellow #3 and other "beauty necessities" within easy reach for foraging and not had them coming out of labs infested with tumor-ridden lab animals.

Not a pretty picture is it? Guess should see it in person.

No, Folks....your B-girl has not lost her SICK to my eye teeth of being asked, told, cajoled and sweet-talked into supporting chemicals that I DO NOT and WOULD NOT use on my own face...never mind in my own products. It's not going to happen!

You have it from the horse's mouth.....

Take care of yourself INTERNALLY first......if you're going to use products on your skin....

Keep them simple

Keep them natural

and in turn you will....

Keep your beauty! 

It may lose me endorsements, writing jobs, or freebies from companies wanting me to review their products but guess what....

I will at least know I told you lovely folks the TRUTH!

Much Love,



 Take my word for it or not, folks....43 years old TODAY and keeping it simple and real.

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