There is something exciting to me about starting a new calendar on January 1st....the New Year is always so full of promise. New Adventures, Potential New Friends, New Goals and Yes, the same old resolutions too. I don’t know about you but my resolutions are usually swept under the rug by about April. I blame my ADD but the truth of it is, most of us make really unrealistic resolutions and try to change too many things all at once.
They say it takes months to break a bad habit but only two weeks to begin another habit. Well that’s not so bad is it? Imagine how easy it would be to up the habit of doing something you LIKE?
One of the easiest, most effective things you can do is to build the habit of being kind to your skin. Not only will you feel and look better; you’ll end up spending less time stressing over poor skin, fine lines, dark circles and all manner of issues that can plague us when we ignore our skin.
Real Healthy Skin Tips That Require Little To NO Money!!
- Use
less make-up for a while. Don't clog your skin with layers of
concealer, foundation and blusher etc. Try to switch to a more healthy
mineral make-up.
Flush out toxins from your system with a lot of water, fresh fruit juices
- Get adequate sleep
- Meditating and de-stressing is important
- Regular exercise is very important - because it helps fresh blood and oxygen to reach the skin and that helps to take away toxins.
- Use sunscreen. Moisturise your skin and use night creams. Use exfoliating agents on your knees, elbows etc.
- An oil massage is great for your body. Get your mate to give you a nice, relaxing massage if you are too tired to go to the spa or can’t spare the cash.
- Take nutritional supplements to tackle free radicals that cause premature ageing. Vitamin A, E and B’s are great for your skin.
- Your kitchen is a great place to look for your beauty treatments. Take any acidic fruit pulp like an orange, apple or strawberry and apply to your face. These delicately exfoliate.
- A mashed banana and/or avocado with fresh milk (or milk powder) is a very nourishing face pack.
My beauty recipe this month comes with a bit of homework.....Get your partner involved and enjoy the...fruits of your labor. *grin*
This body scrub/polish has been lovingly created from organic and natural ingredients to keep you both soft and smooth through the winter months, a perfect accoutrement to cold dreary days. Simply rub into each others skin... and then rinse one another off in the shower, keeping in mind this stuff is edible and quite delicious in tiny licks. The rest is up to you...
Sexy Brown Sugar & Honey Natural Body Scrub
- 1/2 cup Brown Sugar
- 1 Tbsp. Honey
- 1 Tbsp. Jojoba, Coconut or Olive Oil
- 1/4 tsp. Fresh Lemon Juice
Begin by lightly stirring your sugar and oil together, just until combined. Next, add the honey and lightly stir again. Lastly, pour your lemon juice in and mix it all up until you're happy with the consistency. And that's it!
As always, my deepest thanks and sincerest good wishes for you all!

May you rise to the new heights of success
May the dreams of your eyes come alive
And may each step in this New Year
Bring smiles to you.
Love and Light,
Brittany xx
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