Musings of Her Bratness

Some days you have to improvise!

I rarely take days off . So much so that when I do finally take one, going back to work throws me off. I went into the workshop today with every intention of being brilliant and knocking out the icing for the rest of my fizzy bath cupcakes......
Well it was Therefore high lovely peaks were just not happening. I had to settle for a more homestyle frosting look rather than bakery chic. It's when something annoys me I have learned to change direction and focus. I decided I would make a topping that was more like a moisturizing bubble bar.

It was such a strange consistency that I decided to take the leftovers and scoop it like ice looks so authentic. I decided if this sets up the way I expect it too....then it will become a new product on the Posh Brats website. What do you think? Bubble Scoopz?

Oh and here are the fizzy bath cupcakes with the same solid bubble bath as an icing:

These are already on our website:
Miss Katrina Fizzy Bath Cupcake £2.50

The scent: Three types of ripe oranges~ mandarin,Florida fresh squeezed and exotic Spanish blood oranges are softened with Bourbon and Madagascar vanillas which is all spiked with the those most delicious buttered mint! The result is an amazingly sexy scent that will get you nibbled if not attacked by the hunk (or babe) of your choice!

We also now have these beauties up for sale on the website in one of our most popular signature scents.
Pixie Party Fizzy Bath Cupcake £ 2.50
If pixies had their own soda fountain this would be the house speciality!! Sublime mix of fizzy soda, candy corn,pink sugar, spice, and a touch of peppermint candies.

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