I think probably if Elvis is looking down from heaven right now, the thing he regrets most in his life is that he grew those big hairy sideburns and wore that tacky white sequined outfit with the cape during his last concerts. I'm sure even he's sick of being impersonated in that look. Can't anyone just give the guy a break and put on some khakis and a sportshirt for once?
I just hope I don't die in my hair-dye stained nightgown, granny drawers up to my neck and sporting badly stubbled legs in need of a shave or all my friends will be imitating ME like that for eternity!!! Now that would be truly tragic.....
True story - Mr London and I wanted to go to Vegas to get married by an Elvis impersonator, but my mother threatened to throw a tantrum if we did (brother went to Gretna Green for his first wedding.)
ReplyDeleteI quite like the Vegas Elvis - there's something tragic and compelling about the way his body had gone to pot and the costumes had gotten out of hand, but he still had that *voice*! Uh huh huh ;)
I loved Elvis any old way...that voice stayed velvet and he had the blue eyes to die for....I woulda done him...fat or thin...yep. (nods)