Musings of Her Bratness

Reflection is something I have been doing a lot of in my rare quiet moments when my thoughts are not consumed by all things soap. I find myself needing to do a self-assessment....we are almost halfway through this new year already. Amazing isn't it? I do assessments every quarter with my business manager...why not do one for my personal self? Give this a chew, kick the tyres and drive it round the block a few times.

•Am I living the life I want to live?
•If no, what do I need to do to live that life?
•If yes, what do I need to do to continue living that life?
 •What qualities and values do I currently demonstrate in my life?
•Going forward, what qualities and values do I want to demonstrate in my live?
 •What current habits or behaviors do I want to let go?
•What current habit or behaviors do I want to keep?
•What new habits or behaviors do I want to develop?
 •What support do I need to develop, to encourage me live up to the commitments arising from the questions above?


Brittany xx