Musings of Her Bratness

GUEST REVIEW:  Wonderland Collection Perfume Oil:

Having been told how good this was I decided that the only way to be sure was to purchase some and try it for myself so I purchased the Eat Me Drink Me and also Alice.

Upon receiving the goods and opening the packaging I was met with the most amazing smells that your nose could imagine.  The first thing that I noticed was that unlike most perfumes which have the little stick of plastic attached to the lid of the bottle so that you can wipe this across the area where you want the perfume 'Posh Brats' has a roller ball.  The roller ball enables you to put on just the right amount of perfume in the areas that you want without spilling any from the bottle, thereby this makes the perfume last longer. 

The delicate scents of freshly cut flowers and the addition of the vanilla and pear in 'Alice' wafts out of the bottle and at first you think that such a delicate fragrance would not last, but you will be surprised to find that not only does the fragrance last throughout the day but when you are out and about if a gentle breeze wafts across you it activates the scent and seems to revitalise the fragrance all over again.

I personally have found that if I roll the perfume across one wrist two or three times then rub my wrists together this is sufficient without overpowering the sences, then a small roll behind each ear and a little roll in the cleaveage and this gives you the perfect amount of fragrance to last the whole day long.

Sandra Keighley.

To purchase these perfumes and more: Posh Brats Perfumes

Thank you, Sandra for your lovely review and guest appearance on our blog!! We will be sending you a free gift very soon. If anyone else would like to be a guest blogger for us, please contact us at

Would you like to earn some FREE Posh Brats goodies?

ATTENTION: Ladies (and Gents),
Would you like to earn some FREE goodies from Posh Brats? I am looking for guest bloggers and you tube reviews of PB products. If you'd be interested in doing either of these things, drop me a note on our Facebook page or email me at
BTW..By guest blogging We mean to post on OUR blog, not yours. You can talk about anything beauty related you'd like as long as the main focus is PB.
Every YouTube product review on a PB product or products will get a PB gift bag, every guest blogger post will get something special from the PB range. All you need to do is let me know you're interested and/or post a link to my email for your YouTube review and let me know your shipping details. Once your post or potential blog post is approved your goodies will be sent!
Let's see what you can come up with.
xxx Brittany

Free Posh Brats Goodies Offer

Ladies (and gents), Would you like to earn some FREE goodies from Posh Brats? I am looking for guest bloggers and you tube reviews of PB products.
 If you'd be interested in doing either of these things, drop me a note here or email me at
 You can talk about anything beauty related you'd like....just mention us in there somewhere. 
 Every YouTube product review on a PB product or products will get a PB gift bag, every guest blogger post will get something special from the PB range.
 All you need to do is let me know you're interested and/or post a link to my email for your YouTube review and et me know your shipping details. Let's see what you can come up with. xxx